Just came back from a 9 day trip to Taiwan. This marks the end of my third trip to Taiwan. It was never on my travel agenda to visit a country three times, but these trips have each proved to be a very different experience.
First trip was purely an experience traveling to a new country. I remembered I didn't really liked it as it felt very similar to Singapore. I would much prefer a country that gave me a different experience. Tried almost all the recommended food in Taiwan, and had more misses than hits.
Second trip was unplanned for. We had initially planned for a trip to Japan, but decided against it when Japan was hit by nuclear disaster (better be safe if we are planning for babies in the future >.<). We were lucky that the flight transited at Taiwan, which meant that we could rearrange the flight itinerary (though we nearly landed up in Japan). The most memorable place was our visit to 澎湖 (Penghu), an archipelago situated off the west coast of Taiwan and we rented a scooter to scoot around the island. The place was so pretty!

The third trip, this trip, was a continuation of our last trip where we signed a Taiwan wedding photoshoot package after chatting up with three wedding companies located just opposite 中正纪念堂. It was a brave attempt, for we did no background check on the company but for the sight Taiwan could offer, and the price, it was worth the gamble and the experience was definitely unforgettable, and photos turned out to be what we wanted.
This trip, A and I decided to invite our families along. It was both A and my very first long-distance trip with our family, and all I could say was, it was a bitter sweet experience. It was not easy having to manage expectations, and accommodating to each other lifestyle preference. The lack of freedom to do what you would usually do can sometimes be frustrating. On the good side, we get to try a lot more food and visit places we would otherwise not go as a couple. I'm not sure if I would want to experience this all over again, but let's see.

This trip also proved to be a self-exploratory trip.

Impatience vs. Accommodating
I do not deny that I am someone with a lack of patience but this trip tested my ability to control myself and be a little more accommodating to differences in a group. It's sometimes better to say what you are feeling at the moment, and other times keep things to yourself. Balance, that's the word.
Independence vs. Reliance
I came to realise that I am somewhat more independent than reliant. While I may give advice, feedback or a sense of comfort to others, I do not like to be relied on.
Internal vs. External Competition
I used to think that I would like it if people see me as a form of competition, but that drains my energy away - having to defend, guard against and be better. Instead of being overly aware of them and by what they say, the main point is to see yourself as your own competitor, and always try to exceed the limit that you were so comfortable in.
Perseverance vs. Instant Gratification
While seated in the plane, on the way back to Singapore, I saw this guy reading a book from the start to the end of the journey. Very focused. Oblivious to what's happening in the surrounding. Charming, I would say. Looking at his personal grooming and the way he dresses, he certainly knows how to take care of himself and his image. Knowledge and charisma is obtained through starting and completing, effort and time, but at the end of the day, it's worth it. So, don't give up something long-term for that short-term reward (a much needed self reminder).
Perfection vs. Acceptance
At the end of the day, no one, no situation, no photo is perfect. Unless it matters a lot, or the return is worth the time invested in correcting that minor wrong/mistake, let's just go back to my very first point - Balance, that's the word.

Thank you for reading!
♥ Skye Tham & Kim
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